Monday, January 6, 2020

Medical Devices Are Needed For Modern Medicine - 1700 Words

I. Introduction: Medical devices used generally in hospitals, are the articles used in treating health related issues e.g., a disease in humans or in animals with the purpose of curing them from the health problem. These medical devices are needed for modern medicine as they perform many patient monitoring and management functions. Such medical device is called implantable if it is partially or totally introduced into the human body or placed on the surface of the body. In recent years, implantable medical devices have been advanced through developments in science and engineering, as well as in microelectronics, and biotechnology. Implantable Medical Devices (IMDs) are mostly used to monitor and help treat medical conditions. These include pacemakers, implantable cardiac deï ¬ brillators (ICDs), neuro stimulators and drug delivery systems, which help in managing many diseases [1] and thus provide substantial improvement in healthcare by saving innumerable lives. They help to achieve the vision of pervasive healthcare that is used for identiï ¬ cation, monitoring, and treatment of patients. Therefore, these devices have already been deployed in the body of many patients. The use of IMDs for monitoring is expected to be grown further in the future. In 2005, the number of insulin pump users was nearly 245,000 and the growing rate that is expected for the insulin pump market is 9% from 2009 to 2016 [15]. In [16], as reported by Hanna et al., there are 25 million patients usingShow MoreRelatedBioprinting Human Organs: The Past, Present, And Future.1488 Words   |  6 Pagesyear (Chua). As the average human li fespan increases due to medical advancements, so too will the need for organ transplantation. Bioprinting provides a way for supply to meet demand and successfully eliminate the current shortage of donated organs. 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